Northeast Creek Streamwatch envisions preservation of the natural and cultural heritage of the Northeast Creek basin of the New Hope Creek, Haw River and Cape Fear River basins. A heritage is something you inherit unearned just for showing up on the planet Earth. It is the natural environment we depend on for life and the common stories and artifacts of our location that go into the unique culture here and not somewhere else.
Our vision is to:
- restore the quality of the water in Northeast Creek to that of supporting its wildlife (including us) and ensuring that we have safe drinking water for a long span of future generations.
- preserve the amount of easily purified potable water available for the people who depend on the watershed of the Northeast Creek watershed and its downstream reservoirs. As headwaters for all the people downstream, we seek to educate the residents of the Northeast Creek basin to this enduring social responsibility.
- preserve the natural functioning of the Northeast Creek watershed in performing those natural services upon which the settlements in the Northeast Creek basin depend for continued economic productivity.
- preserve the native plants of the Northeast Creek basin as a genetic hedge against ecological preservation in the future.
- preserve the native wildlife of the Northeast Creek basin as the original inhabitants and indicators of the health of the local environment, as well as for the enjoyment we get from observing them.
- discover the archaeology and history of the Northeast Creek basin as defining the unique story that identifies this part of the world as a place and to preserve the artifacts, structures, documents, images, maps and other evidence and symbols of this story.
- have educational experiences integrated into the community life in the Northeast Creek basin so as to enable all residents to know the value of where they live, take pride in it, and ensure its preservation.
- have voluntary participation in discovering, monitoring, cleaning, promoting, and preserving the natural and cultural heritage of the Northeast Creek basin.